Overview of Flexemu Features (Based on Version 3.25)
Here is a list of features available with Flexemu.
- Printing support
- Supported platforms:
- Linux
- freeBSD
- Embedded Linux like Raspberry Pi
- Windows Vista/8.1, Windows 10. 32- or 64-bit
- Emulates an Eurocom II/V5 or Eurocom II/V7
- 512 x 256 pixel, 1, 3 or 6 bit plane graphics display with 2, 8 or 64 colors
or shades of one color
- Qt user interface
- Terminal only mode without graphical user interface (Unix like OS only)
- Two different terminal types are supported.
- CPU monitor with start/stop/step/next/reset, two breakpoints
- continuous display of CPU frequency, cycle count and disassembly.
- disassembler supports configurable label names.
- Supporting all MC6809 instructions inclusive halt and sync
- Full interrupt support
- Stop processor and popup dialog at invalid processor instructions
- Continuous display of CPU clock rate
- Mouse pointer support
- Optional MC146818 real time clock emulation
- WD1793 floppy disc controller support with up to 4 disk drives
- Support of disk images but also native file system (directory)
- Compatible to
Ben Williams FLEX emulators DSK format
- Fileconversion from/to FLEX ASCII file format
- HTML-Documentation with full description of FLEX API
- A MMU for extension of the 64K address range
- Optionally configurable 2 x 96K or 2 x 288K RAM extension
- ELTEC full screen editor e.cmd included
- Terminal mode based on an MC6850 serial line
- Configurable CPU Instruction logging within address range
and/or Start/Stop trigger address, optional CPU register logging and
loop optimization.
- Support different monitor programs.
- Command to dynamically mount/umount or sync drives
- Command to send a irq/firq/nmi to CPU
- Resize window up to 5 times original size
- Full screen mode
- Format disks with DSK- or FLX-Format
- Format disks from within emulator
- Automatically save option settings in Registry (Windows) or rc-file (Linux)
- Setup option settings with preferences dialog
- Show disk and interrupt activity/information dialog
- Eurocom II/V5: Emulate Philips Mini Digital Cassette Recorder (Philips MDCR)
- Configurable base address and optional size for I/O devices
- Optionally support logging any I/O device access
- Command line utility dsktool for *.dsk, *.flx file containers:
- Check consistency
- Create a new file container
- Inject or extract files
- List directory content or one line summary
- Delete files